The Appointments Advisory Committee

Meet the welcoming team

The Appointments Advisory Committee’s main function is to assist with the process of appointing adults in Scouting by advising on their suitability.

It is important to remember that the committee is not a ‘rubber-stamping’ body. It must carry out its responsibilities with integrity and with the welfare of the Movement and its Members in mind. On the one hand, it has an important role in ensuring those who are unsuitable to work with young people or look after funds do not have access to either. On the other, it should not be a barrier to those who are genuinely interested in and suitable for taking on a role.

Sandra O’Connor

District Appointments Chair

Natasha Henson

District Appointments Secretary

Davina Bowmer

Committee Member

Jen Bucklow

Committee Member

Dave Deane

Committee Member

Will Hazell

Committee Member

Harry Huckin

Committee Member

Tyler Jeffs

Committee Member

Anne Oram

Committee Member

Sue Pearson

Committee Member

The Appointments Advisory Committee is a mandatory sub-committee of the Executive Committee and exits to determine the suitability of adults for appointments. This includes:

  • Approval meetings: meeting with new adults to assess whether they are aware of and willing to uphold the values and policies of The Scout Association and whether they understand the requirements of the role and are able to carry them out.
  • Reviews: supporting the review process, considering (with the line manager) the outcome of a review. 
  • Change of appointment: considering applications for change of appointment and assessing if the applicant is able and prepared to carry out the role.
  • Cancellations: cancelling appointments when agreed with the line manager or relevant commissioner and recording the reason for the cancellation.
  • Suspensions: following the suspension of an adult, recommending continuation of suspension, re-instatement, modification or cancellation of an appointment.
  • Disagreements: supporting the commissioner in the resolution of disagreements between adults.

Interested in Joining?

The Appointments panel is appointed by the District Executive Committee. We are always looking for new members of all ages from diverse backgrounds. If you would be interested in becoming involved please get in touch.

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