Campsite Service Team

Contact: Martin Hammond Contact Email: Contact Phone: 01327206406 Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

Spotley Wood Campsite is maintained by the District for the use of Scouts and Guides as a ‘backwoods type’ experience. For those who use it know it is an asset for the young people.

It is available for use from the beginning of April to the end of November each year and is managed and maintained by a warden, bookings secretary and a small service team. We’re always on the lookout for more members to our team!

The service team are needed for:

  • A part-day at end March / early April to open the site for the season. This might include cleaning, checking items or equipment and switching on services
  • A part-day during the summer for grass cutting and other maintenance jobs
  • A part-day at the end of November to close the site up for winter. This might include cleaning and tidying up and turning off services
  • As well as the part-days, there is a weekly rota to check the site during the season which is roughly once in a 4-week cycle for small maintenance tasks as required
  • There may also be other projects from time to time which require more time spent on them

If you can help with the above, please contact Martin Hammond for more information.

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