Running Safe Activities
- Activities – the A-Z of Scout Activities will guide you through the planning of running exciting and safe activities for your young people.
- Programme – get some practical ideas of how to bring safety into your programme.
- Camping and Practical Skills – find out more top tips for staying safe whilst doing practical skills and in a camping environment.
- Events – guidance for those planning, managing or responsible for approving events within Scouting to ensure that they are delivered in a safe way.
- Managing a premises – top tips for managing a Scout premises safely.
Emergencies and Reporting
Its important to know what to do in an emergency and what plans to have in place before an activity to ensure that you can respond efficiently should one arise.
InTouch is the system used to manage communications at all Scout activities and events. It is flexible to allow those organising events to implement a system best suited to their particular circumstances.
Whenever any activity, event or meeting is run within Scouting it is a requirement that an InTouch system is put in place (POR 9.3). This is to ensure:
- everyone involved is aware of how communication will take place between Leaders, participants, and those not on the event
- there are details of who is present should anything go wrong, and there is a system in place in the event of an emergency.
The procedures put in place to ensure this are likely to vary at different types of events due to the differing circumstances and needs. To facilitate this InTouch is a process that you must follow to ensure that everyone is clear as to what will be put in place for every Scouting event.
All adults in Scouting undertake training which includes content to help them deliver safe Scouting. The aim of the training is to enable adults to plan and run exciting, safe and developmental activities for the young people in their section.
Permits and adventurous activities
The adventurous activity permit scheme is an internal assessment scheme designed to ensure that all those leading adventurous activities for young people within Scouting have the skills, experience and personal suitability to do so. Full details are available on how the scheme works and support for you through the scheme, whether you are a leader applying for a permit, an assessor assessing an applicant, or a commissioner granting someone a permit.