
SectionIndoorsOutdoor activities held away from the usual meeting placeNights away experiences (led by Nights Away Permit Holder)
BeaversMinimum 2 adults present1 adult to 6 Beavers plus the leader in charge1 adult to 6 Beavers plus the leader in charge (Minimum 2 adults must be present overnight)
CubsMinimum 2 adults present1 adult to 8 Cubs plus the leader in charge1 adult to 8 Cubs plus the leader in charge (Minimum 2 adults must be present overnight)
ScoutsMinimum 2 adults present1 adult to 12 Scouts1 adult to 12 Scouts plus the leader in charge (Minimum 2 adults must be present overnight)

For all Explorer Scout regular indoor meetings a minimum of two adults must be present and a minimum of two adults for all nights away activities. 

For all meetings and activities, leaders should assess the risk and arrange for sufficient adults (aged 18 or over) to ensure a safe environment for the operation of the section. This risk assessment may mean that more adults are needed than the minimum ratios above indicate. 

*It is possible for young people to hold a Nights Away Event Passport, which allows them to run a nights away event for their peers, without adults present, in which case the ratios will not apply. 

For more information please see POR

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