
How does Dyspraxia affect Learning?

Gross Motor Skills: There may be poor body and spatial awareness, as well as balance and other gross motor skills such as: standing; lifting; and kicking.

Fine Motor Skills: There could be difficulty with drawing, writing and tasks such as shading or labelling. Scissors and small buttons may also be difficulty and tasks such as painting can use a lot more concentration.

Organisation: Personal organisation tends to be poor and normally could be late or doing tasks at the wrong time. This links with a difficulty of retrieving knowledge.

Support for Dyspraxia (DCD)

Functional Tasks: Complex tasks such as some knots can prove difficult ensure there is a functional, more every day task, available for young people.

‘Little and Often’: Multiple short sessions are better than a prolonged task, try and use a station method where young people can change frequently.

Cognitive Strategies: Break down tasks into smaller ‘chunks’ and ensure there is an end goal that is clear and defined. If a worked example can be shown then that would prove useful.

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