Data protection – GDPR

We hold and process data on you for a number of purposes connected with your role as a volunteer In taking up your appointment you consent to the Association retaining your personal data during your membership and also beyond to facilitate any present or potential future involvement with Scouting.

The security of your personal data is important to us and we make every effort to ensure that any data held about you is accurate, relevant and not misused. 

The Scout Association’s Privacy and Data Protection Policy

The Scout Association takes the protection of privacy and personal data very seriously. All adults operating within Scouting, whether at National UKHQ or within local Scout units (i.e. Scout Groups, Districts, Counties, Areas, Regions (Scotland) or Countries), must comply with data protection law which includes the EU General Data Protection Regulation “GDPR”.

(The Scout Association’s Data Protection Policy provides key definitions and details of how it protects personal information. A copy, which also provides guidance to staff, members and volunteers about how to deal with the personal information they handle, can be found here)

Your responsibilities within the Privacy and Data Protection Policy 

The Scout Association at national UKHQ level and each local Scout unit (as defined above) operate as separate, independent charities in their own right. Each collects and handles personal data and is responsible, as a separate data controller, for such data it collects and uses.

As a larger organisation, The Scout Association is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) as a data controller. However, data protection law applies to all data controllers (whether registered with the ICO or not) and therefore applies to each local Scout unit.

All adults in scouting have a responsibility to comply with data protection law when handling or dealing with any personal data. However, ultimate responsibility for ensuring that adequate data protection systems are in place, lies with the relevant Executive Committee (as the charity trustees) and they are responsible for ensuring that adequate data protection systems are in place for their respective local Scout units.

Whilst the charity trustees and Executive Committees are responsible for ensuring that these systems are in place, each adult operating within scouting whether as staff, members or volunteers is also responsible for ensuring that they handle all personal data in compliance with those procedures and the law.

The Grafton Privacy and Data Protection Policy

This policy sets out Grafton Scout’s commitment to data protection, and the rights and obligations of Adult Leaders, Young People, the District Scout Council and others involved with Grafton in relation to personal data and its compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 (GDPR).

Training to support you

To support you with your data protection responsibility, The Scout Association has produced a short GDPR e-learning module.

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