Simply put, without people like you Scouting wouldn’t exist and with this in mind we realise it is important for us to provide you with as much support as we possibly can.
There is a wealth of Scouting experience across Northamptonshire and the UK that you can tap into, as well as resources and tools that will help you on your adventure. We have compiled some of the best places to find support here:
Your first port of call for any queries or concerns during your induction should be your volunteer line manager. Other members of your Group were all new to Scouting once and will be able to offer advice and information and signpost you to resources.
Grafton has Assistant District Commissioners (ADCs) dedicated to helping your section and volunteers such as yourself. They usually arrange Quarterly Meetings for section leaders as well as some events to help you run an exciting and varied programme and keep up to date with training and county initiatives and events. Ask your Group Scout Leader (GSL) or District Explorer Scout Commissioner (DESC) for details of Section Support Meetings.
There are a number of resources online which are a source of support:
Online Scout Manager: a section and Group administrative tool. Please ask your GSL or DESC for login details for your section. There are online help tools and a facebook page with tips.
Compass: The Scout Association volunteer database. Please keep your personal information up to date and set your communication preferences to ensure you receive the Grafton Scouts, Northamptonshire Scouts and The Scouts emails / newsletters. Please ask your GSL for your membership number in order to login.
Scouts Programme Planning Tool: resource for programme and activity ideas. Compass login is required for access.
Northamptonshire Scouts website: explore the website for up to date information on activities and initiatives.
Social media: The Scout Association, Grafton and other Scouting Groups have a social media presence that can be really helpful for ideas and information.
Adult ‘Prepared’ handbook: a helpful resource for all adult volunteers running or supporting a section.
The Scouts: information, ideas, news and updates, including The Scout Association policy, organisation and rules document (POR).
The Brand Centre: find print and digital resources to support your section.
Scout Store: The official Scout Store sells badges, uniform and bespoke items. All profits are reinvested back into Scouting.